Thursday, November 20, 2008


从上个星期我们开始给盟盟喂辅食了,给他的母乳和奶粉里我们加了点gerber的含铁米粉,但是加了以后奶开始变稠,原先的奶嘴眼太小,出不来了...然后发现还有大号奶嘴(同样大的奶嘴,只不过眼大一点)。gerber奶瓶有自带的中号奶嘴,不用我们去买了。doctor brown的奶瓶我们买了3号奶嘴,到目前为止盟盟吃的还好,大便还算正常。昨天喂了一点香蕉,发现盟盟暂时还不会吃用勺喂的,先前喂的米汤不用舌头舔就可以喂下去,稍微固体一点,他就不知道怎么吃了。但是可以明显的感觉到盟盟很想吃,手抓住小勺不放,而且下意识的抿嘴吃。明天再试试...

ps: 这个周末盟盟要去做4个月的well check up了,时间挺快,盟盟已经四个月了,再过一个月,外公外婆就要回国了,盟盟也要去日托了,希望他能乖乖的,不然妈妈又要心疼了。妈妈已经约了12月的头一周去一家家庭日托试一个星期。 再上几张盟盟照片:

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oracle JDBC Driver IO Exception

I am working on an internal tool that uses the ORACLE JDBC driver to access the database. In my testing environment, everything is fine, but my colleague got an SQL exception after running the tool.
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception:
The Network Adapter could not establish connection
First, I search the internet and all results roots from this solution. But it doesn't apply to my case.

So I return to the starting point, and think if the database connection is available to my colleague. He doesn't have ORACLE installed, so there is no tnsping.exe tool and tnsnames. But there is telnet, and you can type this command to see if the database instance at the port on the host is available to you
telnet host port
If it is available, you will be led to a clean dos window; otherwise, there will be message saying "Could not open connection to the host...".

It turns out that our network engineer has put some restrictions on the IPs that are allowed to access the database, and that is the cause for the IO exception.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Track the Location of an IP Address

I found two free online tools for tracking the location of an IP address, which are pretty useful.
GeoBytes IP Locator
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Syntax Highlighter for Online Code Posting

Today, I found another code prettify plugin for my blog today through Google Code: SyntaxHighlighter. There is an online tutorial for how to use it in Blogger. But I did have some issues with line breaks, and Blogger add <br> to replace line breaks, which it should skip instead.

So I switch to Blog In Draft and check the option "Make Blogger in Draft my default dashboard". It solved the line break issues.

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Monday, November 10, 2008

Another Mobile Browser - Mozilla Fennec - under Alpha Testing

After Opera, Safari, IE Mobile, Chrome Mobile, we are welcoming another mobile browsers: Mozilla Fennec. Currently, it is still under alpha testing. Anyone are welcome to alpha test it. If you don't own a N810 Internet Tablets, you can still try it out on your desktop. I am more intested when this will go to Android OS powered phones like G1 and PSP, but there is no luck in the near future, because Fennec is not written in Java and Android does not support applications that run directly on the operating system itself without the need to be written in Java. I am hoping that Google will do the right thing and make a deal with Mozilla so that we can have Fennec soon on G1.

Here is the brief feature list and working UI for Fennec.
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Monday, November 3, 2008

My New Google Android G1 Phone

I just got the Android G1 phone from EBay, and the phone looks awesome. At the beginning, I opened the back cover with caution, and now I can open the back cover very quickly.

After begging for an activated TMobile SIM from one of my collegues, I was able to set up my G1 phone. After setting up the phone, I replaced the SIM with the unactivated TMobile SIM card coming with the phone, and I was able to use the Wi-Fi connection. So far, I only experienced G1 applications using Wi-Fi connections.

The browser on G1 is really amazing, and it renders a lot of pages that can't be loaded into the browser that is built into the BlackBerry.

There are several issues that concerns me:

  • I got a Bronze one and it is a little bit difficult to see the letter once the bakc light is on. So far, this is ok for me.

  • the GPS is not working very well. It is not very acurate and sometimes, it doesn't work

  • I can't manage to install G1 applications from Android Market. This really bothers me, because I am eager to try those applications.

  • ...

UPDATE: I was able to install G1 application from Android Market using Wi-Fi. I guess during the time when I tested, the network is not quite stable.

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