Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lessons Learnt from Recent Bugfix Release

Last week, I was working on a SCORM export bug. It came in pretty late and I barely have time to check into the Perforce before the branch is locked. I was also busy working on other stuffs so I didn't verify it carefully and thought my QA colleagues could help me out. However, my colleagues assigned to test this bug fix is not quite sure about the software we are using for testing SCORM course packages, and he didn't test it and the bugfix went out. The next day, we got complaint and I was yelled by this mistake. So here is the lesson I learned from this:

  • RULE NO 1: Verify it as a QA before resolving the TT and send it to QA team.

  • RULE NO 2: Sit with another developer and do some peer review. It doesn't matter whether the other developer is familiar with the component you are working on. Sometimes, when you are explaining your fix, you will find the issue. At the same time, the other developer gets to know the component better.

  • RULE NO 3: Create unit test.

  • RULE NO 4: Make sure QA team is aware of your fix and know how to test it.

  • RULE NO 5: Stop blaming your colleagues and start to figure out the approach to avoid the same sh*t happens again.

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