Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Unlock Your T-Mobile G1 Phone

I think a log of people who bought their G1 phone from EBay would love to unlock their new baby so that they can use G1 phone in different network. Here is the Unlock T-Mobile G1 Phone Site that provides you the unlock code based on your phone's serial number. Unfortunately, you have to pay $24 for the service, but it worths a try.
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Lessons Learnt from Recent Bugfix Release

Last week, I was working on a SCORM export bug. It came in pretty late and I barely have time to check into the Perforce before the branch is locked. I was also busy working on other stuffs so I didn't verify it carefully and thought my QA colleagues could help me out. However, my colleagues assigned to test this bug fix is not quite sure about the software we are using for testing SCORM course packages, and he didn't test it and the bugfix went out. The next day, we got complaint and I was yelled by this mistake. So here is the lesson I learned from this:

  • RULE NO 1: Verify it as a QA before resolving the TT and send it to QA team.

  • RULE NO 2: Sit with another developer and do some peer review. It doesn't matter whether the other developer is familiar with the component you are working on. Sometimes, when you are explaining your fix, you will find the issue. At the same time, the other developer gets to know the component better.

  • RULE NO 3: Create unit test.

  • RULE NO 4: Make sure QA team is aware of your fix and know how to test it.

  • RULE NO 5: Stop blaming your colleagues and start to figure out the approach to avoid the same sh*t happens again.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008


10月25日,也就是盟盟满100天的前一天,盟盟和妈妈度过了出生以来单独相处的第一天。因为爸爸要带外公外婆去环球影 城,妈妈不忍心让盟盟出去受苦,所以决定留在家里陪伴盟盟。因为之前一直有外公外婆和爸爸帮忙,所以爸爸走之前妈妈还是有点担心的,生怕一个人搞不定盟 盟。事实证明盟盟基本上还是一个乖宝宝,吃饭和玩耍都可以打10分,只有睡觉的时候还是喜欢哭闹,害得妈妈每次都要把盟盟抱在怀里哄着了才敢放下去。这一 天里盟盟最开心的时候就是被妈妈抱起来学走路的时候,虽然摇摇晃晃歪歪倒倒,盟盟还是很执着的一步一步往前迈,甚至把妈妈的腿当楼梯上。妈妈最开心的时候 就是盟盟睡觉的时候,特别是看着盟盟在妈妈怀里睡得很香甜的样子,妈妈都觉得这一天的bonding还是卓有成效的。
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Saturday, October 18, 2008


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Tuesday, October 14, 2008







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Safari Fails to Include the Successful Controls in the Form Data Set

Another bug (you might need to have a Apple ID for accessing the link) for Safari!

<form action="fake_action" method="POST">
<button name="disable" value="Deactivate Account" type="submit" onclick="click();">Deactivate Account</button>

For the above form, the name/value pair for the submit button should be included in the data set when the form is submitted (i.e., the submit button is clicked). When I run the above form in Safari, the server app doesn't get
NAME         VALUE
disable   Deactivate Account

in the form data. However, if I remove the onclick event in the submit button control, the server app get the data I expect.

Here is the link to the standalone test

it is a simple form with 4 different kinds of submit buttons, and here is the source code for the html page
<title>A simple form</title>
<script type='text/javascript'>
  function test(){
<form action="formsubmit.php" method="POST">
<input name="disable1" value="Deactivate Account(submit button with onclick)" type="submit" onclick="test()">
<input name="disable2" value="Deactivate Account(submit button w/o onclick)" type="submit">
<button name="enable1" value="Activate Account(submit push button with onclick)" type="submit" onclick="test();">Activate Account(submit push button with onclick)</button>
<button name="enable" value="Activate Account(submit push button w/o onclick)" type="submit">Activate Account(submit push button w/o onclick)</button>

here is the source code for formsubmit.php, which simply print out the successful control sent to the server (any one of those submit buttons)
<title>Submit Form</title>

foreach ($_POST as $item) {
print $item;

basically, I only get successful control for those submit buttons without onclick event handler, which does nothing, but call the form submit method in this test case, while I got all submit buttons in Firefox.

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Monday, October 6, 2008


两个多月过去了,小人长得不错,多亏岳父岳母在这照顾Bryant. 现在小人和人沟通的欲望越来越强了,会不停的跟你说话,如果你愿意用他的语言和他沟通的话。如果你和他笑,他笑的比你开心。总算大家幸苦没白费,能看到小人笑,开心顿时幸苦觉得都值得了。


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