Wednesday, August 27, 2008

IE6 XMLHttpRequest same-origin policy

In IE6, there is no native XMLHttpRequest object, but we can use ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP') for the same purpose. The same-origin policy also applies to ActiveXObject in IE6, and there might be exceptions. There is a setting called "Access data sources across domains" for internet, intranet, and trusted sites zone. If it is set to enable in internet/intranet/trusted sites and the page that tries to access data in different domains falles into one of those zones, you won't get the permission denied exception. If the option is set to false, you will get the exception.
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Safari's defect on same-origin policy?

XMLHttpRequest object follows the same-origin security policy, which means you can't use it to request data from another domain. For example, the web page is hosted in domain, and it is forbidden to request data from using XMLHttpRequest. You will get a permission denied exception when you try to call the open() method.

Same origin means same protocol, same host and same port. However, it looks like different browsers interpret this in different ways. I had an SCORM course, which is hosted in domain, but the requested app is located in domain I didn't have any issue with IE and FireFox, but in Safair, I got a permission denied exception. I am wondering if this violate the same-origin policy in Safari.

Interesting discussion here for by passing the same-origin policy for XMLHttpRequest object in Firefox and IE.

PS: According to RFC 1738, the port defaults to 80 if port is ommitted. After I get rid of the 80 port number in the url for the requested app, it works in Safari. Unlike IE and Firefox, I guess Safari literally check the URL for the domain.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008





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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

encode AICC data in JavaScript

The AICC data in putparam command needs to be encoded before send the HTTP request, and there are several JavaScript methods for encoding strings: escape, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent. Here is the article describing the difference between them. However, those 3 doesn't quite meet the requirements, because all of them will skip some unsafe characters. For example, escape and encodeURI will skip the unsafe character "/", and encodeURIComponent will skip the unsafe character "'".

Since "+" will be decoded to spaces on the server, this needs to be encoded before sending the AICC data. This makes escape() the last one we should choose, and encodeURI skips a lot of unsafe characters, besides "+". So it looks like encodeURIComponent is the best choice, but we need to be careful about "'" and "~".

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